Interesting stuff

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fitness 101-First Part

There is not short road to learning complicated human movements. Patience is key.

Suggested movements:

1 minute each movement

Dumbells thrusters (10 lbs each)
Jumping pull ups
Planks on elbows
Walking lunges

4 sets to be done of each. 4 sets x 4 minutes each set

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sugar and high carbos food are the killers!!!

THE body digests carbohydrates by converting them into simple sugar. Taking too much of refined carbohydrates will give rise to weight (fat) gain.

Much of the blood sugar comes from empty-calorie refined starches with refined carbohydrates contributing significantly to raising blood sugar, more so, in some cases, than eating white sugar.

Our brain depends on glucose for its energy needs. Depriving it of a continuous supply of glucose impairs cognitive function (McAulay and Frier, 2001).

However, too much of refined carbohydrates such as bread, noodles, white rice, soft drinks, sweets, biscuits and creamy soup can cause reactive hypoglycemia.

You enjoy a short energy peak followed by tiredness an hour or so later after a substantial amount of blood sugar has been converted into fats by insulin.

The higher our level of blood sugar, the higher our fat-storing hormone (insulin) and the lower our body’s immune defence.

We put on more fat quickly since elevated insulin causes greater hunger spells through its hypoglycaemic effect (Warren et al, 2003).

The cycle will then repeats iteself.

And refined carbohydrates on an empty stomach can depress the appetite- suppression hormone leptin.

The main point is to maintain adipose tissue (fat) levels within a healthy range and not go for fad diets that only lose muscle, water or bone mass.

A high intake of sugary food also accelerates the development of heart disease (Menotti et al, 1999) as well as the ageing process.

Even cancer cells flourish through fermentation of sugars and from the acidic environment created by ­simple sugars (Warburg, 1931).

Other increased risks include haemorrhagic stroke, especially among those who are overweight (Oh et al, 2005); breast cancer among women in their 40s (Seely and Horrobin, 1983); prostate cancer among men with high-GI food intake (Augustin et al, 2004); and even stomach cancer in both men and women with high disaccharides (sucrose) intake (Boing et al, 1985).

There is overwhelming evidence suggesting a lower life expectancy for those who frequently consume large amount of refined carbohydrates and sugary foods (Menotti et al, 1999).

Artichoke Extract used in Mesotherapy

It is used to stimulate the bile and lymphatic drainage.
Bile is produced by the liver cells and is stored inside a pear shaped sac called as gall-bladder. The ingestion of food and especially fats initiates a hormone which causes the sphincter to release bile into the deodenum. It has two major functions.
1.It breaks the fat into fatty acids that can be utilized by the body
2.It also acts as antioxidant, It removes bacteria and other toxins from liver which are transported outside the body along with the waste.
The colour of feaces is due to bile.