Interesting stuff

Monday, December 3, 2007

Laserlipolisis (Laser Sculpt)

The latest non-invasive technology for removing excess fat deposits of specific areas of body. Areas targeted upon are tummy (above or below the navel), arms (usually called bye bye arms due to its flabbiness), excess fats bulging out above the bra line, inner and outer thighs. This procedure is suitable for both men and women.
The membrane of the fat cells are broken down using its special laser system and will be eliminated by the body in its most natural manner.
· Suitable to treat areas where patients are not ideal candidates for liposuction.
· No down time. After the procedure, one can resumes normal activities even thought vigorous exercise is not advised.
· No bruising or excessive blood loss.
· Immediate inch loss from the day of the procedure with the slight aspiration of the fats melted.
The whole procedure takes approximately 2 to 3 hours.
Pre procedure
· Avoid smoking or drinking the day of the procedure.
· Any medical history to be given to the doctor.
Post procedure
· Advised to wear a medical compression garment (costs around RM200 to RM400) to promote recovery. It will help to reduce swelling if any.
· Avoid vigorous exercise for 4 days to 1 week depending on areas treated. Vigorous massages to be avoided up to 2 weeks.
· Buy additional water resistant plasters to be changed after showers.
· Suggest to do endermologie twice a week after the procedure to further firm and tighten the skin.
Cost of the procedure: RM4,000 to RM5,000 per area depending on the number of areas being treated
My personal experience
I have my fats on the outer thighs (known as the saddle bags) laser sculpted 2 years ago at Biogenesis Clinique. I am one of the first few early birds as being me, I am always looking for new and fast procedures to lose the tiny bit of fats bulging out here and there.

I was required to fill up a form informing the doctor of my current health condition as well as any allergy to medication. My thighs were being photographed as well as being measured. I was then required to change into a disposable gown and being led to a clean room. In side the room, the doctor plus a medical assistant were already prepared to laser sculpt me. I was given an IV sedation. However, I was awake during the whole procedure even thought I can’t feel the pain as the areas have been injected with local anesthetic. During the procedure, the doctor was communicating to me as well as assuring me that the procedure was fine.
The procedure took around 2 hours. I was asked to wear a medical compression garment (shorts) for at least 2 to 4 weeks for 6 to 8 hours a day. I was also asked to buy some water resistant plasters to be changed after each shower for 2 days.
My results are as follows:
Immediately after the procedure
Slight swelling due to the solutions being injected. Some liquid can been seen oozing out the tiny nick doctor made. However, no pain is felt.
1st to 2nd day
Swelling subsided tremendously. My outer thighs seemed to be smaller than before. Liquid stopped oozing out on the 2nd day.
1st week
Measured. One inch loss for both thighs. NO changes in weight.
2nd week
Measured. Additional half inch reduction is observed for both thighs.
1st month
Measured. Total of 2 inches lost for both thighs compared to before.
3rd month
Measured. Total of 1.5 inch lost for each thigh.

Will for sure recommend this procedure for those who have tried all kinds of slimming treatments offered or available (like myself of course). And Laser Sculpt is suitable for people who does not have the time to visit slimming centres weekly or twice weekly.
At the end of the day, the total costs of the slimming course will definitely exceed the cost of one laser sculpt procedure. Furthermore, the laser sculpt will give the inch loss result expected from the clients.

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