Interesting stuff

Friday, January 18, 2008

Cardiovascular conditioning is one important piece of the puzzle.

  1. Cross/ Mix Training -- Cross training combines a group of aerobic activities into one workout at steady or varying intensities. For example, take a 15-minute on a cross trainer and then walk or run for 15 minutes on the treadmill then cross trainer again for 15 minutes. This is a perfect time to incorporate a new activity you have always wanted to try to elevate boredom.


  2. Periodization -- One example of periodization is to choose a different activity seasonally. For example, you may spin (RPM) for one week and then cross trainer or treadmill machine on the next week. And it's good for your body to adapt to a new exercise every few months to optimize fat burning. Body needs new challenges to perform his optimum fat burning function.


  3. Fartlek Training -- Funny name but great results! Fartlek means "speed play" in Swedish. This training method is similar to cross or mix training (see above) but the intervals are not measured by time or distance -- they are irregular and ad hoc. For example, race-walk until you feel exhausted, and then walk until you feel recovered. Then when you are feeling refreshed again, sprint to the corner. Walk slowly to catch your breath and break into a jog again. You increase and decrease your speed (intensity) based on how your body is feeling. Accelerate when you are feeling energetic and then cut back the intensity when you are feeling too exhausted. Trust me, this works too just as in RPM where you spin and climb (OTT) throughout the 50 minutes.



  4. Circuit Train -- Perform several cardiovascular exercises in a row for several minutes each. For example, perform each of the following exercises one after the other for two to three minutes each. Step up and down on a step, jog in place, jumping jacks, jog around the perimeter of the room, jump rope, high knee kicks, and jump squats. Rest for several minutes and complete a second or third time. Circuit training is lively and less tedious than some other routines, so people tend to stick with it longer. It's also an efficient calorie burner, increases muscular strength and decreases body fat. This is also applicable to weight trainings.



  5. Double Up on Your Sessions -- Exercising twice in one day gives you two metabolic boosts. For example, in the morning, engage in a 30-minute walk on a treadmill. Then, RPM at night. I always find this regime helpful to kick start your day and to end your day guilt freely. You don't always have to be dripping with sweat to get benefits for a workout. If possible, keep your sneakers( in car boot) handy and take up any opportunity to get in an extra session most days of the week.


Give your cardiovascular conditioning your best effort. With each session strive to work a little harder than the last one. Walking is a great exercise, but eventually you must increase intensity from your starting level. If you keep walking at the same pace, the same course, the same amount of time and in the same heart rate range, the results will be diminishing. This is because your body is a really smart machine, it will get immune to your workout just as you get bored with the same routine. In order to change your body, push your physical limits beyond what you are accustomed to now.


Incorporating weight trainings with cardiovascular exercise are essential to promote fat loss. Having a good daily calories intake is also vital. The complete formula includes first making up your mind to exercise and eat healthy, followed by exercising your muscles, then performing aerobic motions and finally allowing your body to recover.


Contributed : By Kelli Calabrese MS, CSCS
eDiets Contributor

Updated: January 18, 2008

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