Interesting stuff

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stop when Full

Learning to manage your hunger is a very important key to staying on a weight-loss plan long enough to lose the desired weight. Hunger is a natural by-product of limiting your food intake, and it's very important to learn the difference between true hunger and a psychological desire to eat. Once you are able to identify these feelings, you'll need to learn to control your responses to them. And always eat when you are truly hungry and not otherwise.

The basic process of hunger can be likened to a traffic light: Green means start eating, yellow cautions that you're nearing the fullness point and red means stop. Our physiology is actually designed to give us the green, yellow or red lights, which could theoretically end the whole calorie-counting business in favour of simply eating according to physical hunger and fullness.

Unfortunately, the practice isn't that simple. For one thing, distractions get in the way of physical sensations. Though our body says "green light," we might not be able eat at that moment. Often, people eat when they are too hungry and continue to eat well beyond a comfortable feeling of fullness. Doing this consistently can lead to weight gain or weight fluctuations.

Satiety refers to how long you'll feel full. In other words, how long the light will stay red before turning green again. Many factors influence satiety. A long list of hormones and physical mechanisms trigger hunger and satiety. For example, low blood glucose and a hormone called neuropeptide Y (NPY) are thought to stimulate hunger. Conversely, hormones such as serotonin and cholecystokinin (CCK), as well as many nutrients in the blood, contribute to satiety.

Appetite is what most often determines how much we eat. Nearly everyone eats for reasons other than just being hungry. Some people have learned to eat "by the clock," so they eat on a scheduled time whether they are hungry or not. Others eat in response to mood: sadness, anger, anxiety, boredom or happiness. These triggers are types of psychological hunger, and they can be very powerful cues to eat -- and to overeat. And this is so common with women. This is the reason why I usually plan my food intake. More of this, will mean less of something else. This is where opportunity costs come in, as in economics.

Mechanisms that control learning behavior vary. Hunger and appetite are the big go signals; satiation and satiety are the main stop signals. A useful scale to gauge your hunger by is:

You're so hungry you feel dizzy and irritable.
You need to eat and you're having trouble concentrating.

You feel physical signs of hunger (stomach rumbling).
You feel just right -- perfectly comfortable.
You are comfortably full.
You feel a little too full.
You feel stuffed.
You're very full and might need to unbutton your pants or loosen your belt.
You feel intensely uncomfortable.


The indicators above are useful to determine hunger, satiety or just eat because you feel like eating. Or eating too fast to the extent that your brain can't give you satiety signal.


What else can you do?

Eat protein foods at each meal. Protein acts as an appetite suppressant to help control hunger pains.

Avoid simple sugar foods. And if you do succumb to them, ensure they are mixed with a meal.

Eat smaller meals. Eating smaller meals more frequently will help reduce the intensity of hunger pains and keep your metabolism revved up.

Consume high fiber foods. At each meal, consume high fiber foods first to fill your stomach and speed satiety.

EXERCISE! It regulates appetite to control hunger and food intake (not to mention burning calories and building muscle).


Contributed By Dr. Nancy Tice
eDiets Contributor

Updated: January 30, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Java A Day will take your “Fatty Blues” away

Boost to Athleticism

It's also caffeine -- and not coffee, per se -- that makes java a powerful aid in enhancing athletic endurance and performance. So powerful, in fact, that until recently, caffeine in coffee or other forms was deemed a "controlled" substance by the Olympic Games Committee, meaning that it could be consumed only in small, designated amounts by competing athletes.

Caffeine stimulates the brain and nervous system to do things differently, including signaling you to ignore fatigue or recruit extra units of muscle for intense athletic performance. Caffeine may even have a direct effect on muscles themselves, causing them to produce a stronger contraction. But what's amazing about it is that unlike some performance-enhancing manipulation some athletes do that are specific for strength or sprinting or endurance, studies show that caffeine positively enhances all of these things.

Coffee, as you probably know, makes you more alert, which can boost concentration. But claims that it improves a child's academic performance can be exaggerated. Coffee-drinking kids may do better on school tests because they're more awake, but most task-to-task lab studies suggest that coffee doesn't really improve mental performance.

But it helps kids' minds in another way. A study from Brazil finding that children who drink coffee with milk each day are less likely to have depression than other children. In fact, no studies show that coffee in reasonable amounts is in any way harmful to children.

On the flip side, it's clear that coffee isn't for everyone. Its legendary jolt in excess doses -- that is, more than whatever your individual body can tolerate -- can increase nervousness, hand trembling, and cause rapid heartbeat. Coffee may also raise cholesterol levels in some people and may contribute to artery clogging. But most recent large studies show no significant adverse effects on most healthy people, although pregnant women, heart patients, and those at risk for osteoporosis may still be advised to limit or avoid coffee. However, coffee with too much sugar added will be bad in the long run. But it is the table sugar added which is harmful but not the coffee itself.

In other words, consume enough caffeine -- whether it's from coffee or another source -- and you will likely run faster, last longer and be stronger. But the harder you exercise, the more benefit you may get from coffee.

But you can get other benefits from coffee that have nothing to do with caffeine. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including a group of compounds called quinines increases their insulin sensitivity. This increased sensitivity improves the body's response to insulin.

That may explain why those drinking decaf coffee but not tea beverages also showed a reduced diabetes risk, though it was half as much as those drinking caffeinated coffee.

Coffee has large amounts of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and tocopherols, and minerals such as magnesium. All these components have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.

Meanwhile, Italian researchers credit another compound called trigonelline, which gives coffee its aroma and bitter taste, for having both antibacterial and anti-adhesive properties to help prevent dental cavities from forming.

Extracted from: and refer to

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Another Carbs Inhibitor- Cheaters Relief

Advanced Formula Help Control The Carbs And Fats In Your Diet!

If I had to marry food, I just couldn't be faithful. I love to eat way too much. Evidently, I'm not alone. "Over-fat" or obesity a national epidemic in this country, Malaysia because of emotional eating and exercise habits, and a never-ending supply of delicious, calorie-rich foods. While you and I know HOW to eat properly, it isn't always easy to do, nor do we always want to. I've often advocated a diet higher in protein and lower in carbs and fat whenever possible. It can work wonders, as it has on many people whom I've trained and otherwise consulted.

But the reality is that there will always be that "other 10%" of the time where where my eating plans go haywire. Maybe I've had a bad and stressday in my office, a vacation (always a killer), bored, a "crisis" with family or friends, when some festive seasons like Chinese New Year is around the corner, and so on. Or, maybe I've got no particular excuse other than I want to give in to my culinary cravings.The bottom line is there is an endless variety of explanations why our diets stop looking like "diets" from time to time. And that's okay, because if you don't cheat on occasion, you'll go freaking crazy. Furthermore, sometimes your body just needs a change of eating habits, just like it needs a change of workout habits.

If you are tired of feeling guilty or depressed about enjoying delicious foods, or you are worried that you will suffer "cosmetic wounds" (fat gain, or loss of shape and definition) in the days that follow your cheating episode, then pops a few Cheaters Relief. Now you can eliminate your guilt and improve your shape and body when you want to be bad! It is what you've been wanting and looking for every time you splurge! As what it claims

Carbs Per Meal

Fats Per Meal

15 min. Before Meal

15 min. After Meal



2 capsules

2 capsules



3 capsules

3 capsules



4 capsules

4 capsules


My own experience: I usually will take 2 capsules before a large meal. From the ingredients, I found that it contains mainly chitosan which is a kind of sea shell substance known for its fat binding properties. Other than that, Cheaters relief claims to have other glucose regulator blend which will increase fat oxidisation control appetite cravings and promote suppression of appetite. However, its effectiveness as claimed can yet to be seen on myself but it is a better and cheaper fat binder as compared to Xenical, Roche as I am not a big fan of oily food stuff. However, some people who have allergy with seafood are advised to try this product sparingly first.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Metabolisms Booster

Tip 1 -- Determine your daily caloric needs (This is what I do when I first open my eyes in the morning)

To rev up your fat-burning engine, don't overload your system with too much food, Shames says. Figure out how many calories you need to consume each day to lose weight and keep your metabolism humming. Caloric level is determined by taking into account your age, sex, height, weight, lean body mass and activity level. Here's a quick formula from Shames to give you an idea of your magic number: Multiply your body weight by 11. For example, a 140-pound woman would need to consume 1,540 calories per day to lose weight. If you're very active, you can multiply your weight by 12.

Tip 2 -- Divide up your meals daily to 5/ 6 meals (Graze like a Cow)

Kick-start your metabolism and curb your appetite by dividing your meals into five to six small, nutritious meals a day instead of three squares. Eat a 200-400 calorie mini-meal every three to four hours. Your body will consume more energy to digest the food and your metabolic rate will increase.

Tip 3 -- Just keep on moving (Walk after a Meal)

Physical activity accounts for 20 to 40 percent of calories burned each day. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests that a good goal for many people is to work up to exercising four to six times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. If you can't do that much, do what you can. Walk the dog, park the car at the far end of the lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator, clean the house, just do something and keep on moving.

Tip 4 -- Pump iron (Strength Training Again!!!)

Muscle is your best friend! Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the pace at which your body burns calories at rest. It accounts for 60 to 70 percent of your daily calorie expenditure and it's closely linked to the amount of muscle you have. Muscle burns more calories than fat, and the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn, even while you sleep. Lean muscle needs calories just to exist, so start lifting those weights. I cannot be more long winded than that!!!!!

Tip 5 -- Sleep tight

Sleep loss may increase hunger and affect the body's metabolism, which may make it more difficult to lose weight. People who lose sleep may continue to feel hungry despite adequate food intake because sleep loss has been shown to affect the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite. Make sure you get in your eight hours or more of shut-eye every night. Please refer to my other post on Sleep your Fats Away……

Tip 6 -- Eat lean protein and good carbs


Your body burns some of its own calories when it digests the food you eat. This is called the thermic effect of foods (TEF) and it's what makes protein (which has the highest thermic effect of any food) and good carbs metabolism-friendly. Lean protein such as turkey and chicken also builds calorie-burning muscle. Good carbs such as whole grains, legumes, veggies and fruit are also your body's major fuel source, Shames says. They provide the energy to get you up and moving so you can burn more calories.

Tip 7 -- Drink H2O or Green Tea or Pu-Er Chinese Tea

Drinking water or tea may increase the rate at which people burn calories. Metabolic rates among study participants increased by 30 percent after consuming approximately 17 ounces of water. The energy-burning process of metabolism needs liquid to work effectively. Water or tea also fills you up, curbs your appetite, flushes out your system, and rids the body of bloat. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses per day -- more if you're active or more……..


Extracted from acticle By Sheri Strykowski
eDiets Contributor

Updated: January 18, 2008

Cardiovascular conditioning is one important piece of the puzzle.

  1. Cross/ Mix Training -- Cross training combines a group of aerobic activities into one workout at steady or varying intensities. For example, take a 15-minute on a cross trainer and then walk or run for 15 minutes on the treadmill then cross trainer again for 15 minutes. This is a perfect time to incorporate a new activity you have always wanted to try to elevate boredom.


  2. Periodization -- One example of periodization is to choose a different activity seasonally. For example, you may spin (RPM) for one week and then cross trainer or treadmill machine on the next week. And it's good for your body to adapt to a new exercise every few months to optimize fat burning. Body needs new challenges to perform his optimum fat burning function.


  3. Fartlek Training -- Funny name but great results! Fartlek means "speed play" in Swedish. This training method is similar to cross or mix training (see above) but the intervals are not measured by time or distance -- they are irregular and ad hoc. For example, race-walk until you feel exhausted, and then walk until you feel recovered. Then when you are feeling refreshed again, sprint to the corner. Walk slowly to catch your breath and break into a jog again. You increase and decrease your speed (intensity) based on how your body is feeling. Accelerate when you are feeling energetic and then cut back the intensity when you are feeling too exhausted. Trust me, this works too just as in RPM where you spin and climb (OTT) throughout the 50 minutes.



  4. Circuit Train -- Perform several cardiovascular exercises in a row for several minutes each. For example, perform each of the following exercises one after the other for two to three minutes each. Step up and down on a step, jog in place, jumping jacks, jog around the perimeter of the room, jump rope, high knee kicks, and jump squats. Rest for several minutes and complete a second or third time. Circuit training is lively and less tedious than some other routines, so people tend to stick with it longer. It's also an efficient calorie burner, increases muscular strength and decreases body fat. This is also applicable to weight trainings.



  5. Double Up on Your Sessions -- Exercising twice in one day gives you two metabolic boosts. For example, in the morning, engage in a 30-minute walk on a treadmill. Then, RPM at night. I always find this regime helpful to kick start your day and to end your day guilt freely. You don't always have to be dripping with sweat to get benefits for a workout. If possible, keep your sneakers( in car boot) handy and take up any opportunity to get in an extra session most days of the week.


Give your cardiovascular conditioning your best effort. With each session strive to work a little harder than the last one. Walking is a great exercise, but eventually you must increase intensity from your starting level. If you keep walking at the same pace, the same course, the same amount of time and in the same heart rate range, the results will be diminishing. This is because your body is a really smart machine, it will get immune to your workout just as you get bored with the same routine. In order to change your body, push your physical limits beyond what you are accustomed to now.


Incorporating weight trainings with cardiovascular exercise are essential to promote fat loss. Having a good daily calories intake is also vital. The complete formula includes first making up your mind to exercise and eat healthy, followed by exercising your muscles, then performing aerobic motions and finally allowing your body to recover.


Contributed : By Kelli Calabrese MS, CSCS
eDiets Contributor

Updated: January 18, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Duromine as an appetite suppressant

Duromine capsule

Treatment: As short-term adjunct in the management of obesity in a medically monitored comprehensive regimen of wt reduction based on exercise, diet & behaviour modification in obese patients w/ body mass index (BMI) of ≥30 kg/m2.

Contra Indications: Pulmonary artery HTN; existing heart valve abnormalities or heart murmurs; moderate to severe arterial hypertension; cerebro-vascular disease; severe cardiac disease including arrhythmias, advanced arteriosclerosis; hyperthyroidism; agitated states or a history of psychiatric illness including anorexia nervosa & depression; glaucoma; history of drug/alcohol abuse or dependence. Pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects: Dry mouth, GI upsets, heart palpitations, tachycardia, elevated BP. Overstimulation, restlessness, insomnia, tremor, headache, rash and/ or pimples.

Tried and tested: I find that its effect can last 2 to 3 days ie loss/ reduced appetite, insomnia for the first night (and therefore it is usually prescribed with some sleeping aids), face looks flushed and pimples/ acnes might occur on face or behind your back. This drug should be taken with extra care as it might cause mood swings. Not to be taken after 10am. Weight loss is very rapid as it can be seen within a week. Up to 3 kg can be seen after taking this drug for a week. However, the weight will pound up once taken off this drug as normal eating regime might resume. Therefore, I will recommend this drug as a short term measure and exercise and good eating habits in the long run in order to maintenance a healthy weight.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Almonds lowers risk of weight gain

An almond-enriched low calorie diet (which is high in monounsaturated fats) can help overweight individuals shed pounds more effectively than a low calorie diet high in complex carbohydrates.

Eating Nuts Lowers Risk of Weight Gain
Although nuts are known to provide a variety of cardio-protective benefits, many avoid them for fear of weight gain. A prospective study published in the journal Obesity shows such fears are groundless. In fact, people who ate nuts at least twice a week were much less likely to gain weight than those who almost never ate nuts.
The 28-month study involving 8,865 adult men and women in Spain, found that participants who ate nuts at least two times per week were 31% less likely to gain weight than were participants who never or almost never ate nuts.
And, among the study participants who gained weight, those who never or almost never ate nuts gained more (an average of 424 g more) than those who ate nuts at least twice weekly.
Study authors concluded, "Frequent nut consumption was associated with a reduced risk of weight gain (5 kg or more). These results support the recommendation of nut consumption as an important component of a cardio protective diet and also allay fears of possible weight gain."
Practical Tip: Don't let concerns about gaining weight prevent you from enjoying the delicious taste and many health benefits of nuts!

Cardio Queen

Lifting weights forces the abs to work harder and look tighter. Free weight squats, dumbbell rows, lat pulldowns, chest press, etc., will all work your abs because you must stabilize your core muscles to perform each of these movements correctly.

One of the best ways to get a soft and flabby body is to do nothing but cardiovascular exercise. Dieting places a lot of stress on the body and forces the body to lose fat weight and muscle weight. If you do nothing but cardio and never lift weights, you will lose muscle. A lot people never seem to accept this fact. And I can tell your this, as I have gone through a period of one year with only cardiovascular exercises of 5 to 6 times a week with minimum of 50 minutes per day. I don't loose any fat or inches at all. Contrary, I looked chubby and flabby,

Many women think if they even look at a weight, they'll immediately begin to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. It will never happen as qomen just don't have enough testosterone to build huge amounts of muscle. Unless you're on steroids, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, the more fat that you lose and the more muscle that you gain -- the leaner you'll look. Trust me, even some men think that cardiovascular exercises are what they need to remain slim. This type of understanding even made me sadder.

The difference in results was quite profound and proves just how effective weight training is for reducing fat and attaining that elusive flat stomach.

Remember, we need to burn calories to get your belly tight and flat, but we must use exercise as a tool not as a "do as much as possible" event. That's called the "cardio queen" mentality. Cardio queens stay on cardio equipment for two hours at a time in the hopes that fat will disappear. Fat will disappear and so will a great deal of muscle. The result is a soft and stringy body that looks unappealing.

Perform two days per week of moderate cardio exercise for approximately 40 minutes. On two other days of the week, you can exercise at higher intensity levels combined with lower intensity to accelerate fat loss (with a reduction in time).

Exercise helps control visceral fat. Visceral fat is located deeper in the body than subcutaneous fat, which lies just underneath the skin. Visceral fat is very dangerous because it accumulates around the organs inside the belly. Increased levels of this type of fat have been linked with cardiovascular disease and other metabolic syndromes. Men are very prone to have this fat around the abdomen areas.

Performing crunches will ne'ver reduce the abdominal area because you're working to strengthen muscle. Just as 200 biceps curls will not make the arm smaller, nor will 200 abdominal crunches make the waist smaller. This does not mean you shouldn't work your abs.

The abdominals represent muscle and muscle needs to be worked with intensity and then receive rest to improve. Focus on a circuit style workout three alternate days per week


By Raphael Calzadilla, B.A., CPT, ACE
eDiets Chief Fitness Pro

Updated: January 15, 2008

Don’t Eat to Cut Calories

The biggest mistake people make which make me real sad is reducing calories as low as possible and eating a few salads during the day. After two days of this insane approach, they're back to eating more junk then ever because the approach is not realistic. The key is to reduce calories enough to lose fat, but still keep calories high enough to sustain your energy. Food, when used properly, can actually stimulate the metabolism to lose body fat.

Controlling blood sugar levels in order to lose body fat. This is best accomplished by consuming four to six meals per day. Don't mistake the definition of a meal for a six-course extravaganza. A meal might be an egg-white omelet with low-fat cheese and oatmeal with some blueberries in it; a strawberry protein shake with peanut butter; cottage cheese with fruit and some almonds or maybe a vegetarian burger and spinach salad with oil and vinegar.

They're actually feedings. Each of the meals is comprised of protein, some fibrous and nonfibrous carbohydrate (depending on the meal) and a little bit of fat. In some cases, the fat is built into the protein. In other cases, it's added to the meal. Do not skip your meals and have 1 or 2 huge gigantic meals at the end of the day. If you practice that, the effort to loose fat will be defeated and countered by your body reacting to the starvation mode by dropping metabolism and hoarding calories.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Fabulous Butt in A Nutshell

Lunges -- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, grasp a pair of dumbbells or cans with your arms straight at your sides, palms facing your body. Take a long step forward and lower your body so your front knee lines up with your ankle. The back knee is almost touching the floor. Push off with your back foot and take a long step forward with your other foot. Walk-lunge 15 steps and then turn around and return to the start (one set). You should contract your glutes on the lowering of each movement.

Spinning--Improves your cardio level and strenghten your Gluts and Quads. Remember you can spin up to 5 days a week.

Squats -- Hold a barbell across the back of your shoulders with feet should be shoulder-distance apart. Lower the weight, keeping your knees behind the toes at all times. Think of sitting back into a chair and contract the glutes on the lowering phase. Stop when the knees are at a 90-degree angle. Do not let the knees ride over your toes (you should be able to see your feet at all times), and don’t arch your back. Perform two sets of 15 reps on two alternate days per week.

Eat breakfast every morning. This will help to regulate blood sugar and prevent binge eating.
Junk food -- Eliminate one junk food item from your diet this week. Assess your pantry/refrigerator -- Eliminate foods that you tend to binge on.

Carbohydrates -- Slightly decrease the amount of starchy carbohydrates at two of your meals. For example, if you’re having pasta for dinner, decrease your normal serving.

Chocolates for a Slimmer You

Chocolate -- may well qualify as a health food. The two principal varieties are milk chocolate, and dark chocolate.
While high in saturated fat, cocoa butter -- the fat that comes from the cocoa bean -- is principally a source of an 18-carbon fatty acid called stearic acid. Unlike other saturated fats, stearic acid does not raise blood cholesterol levels, and does not contribute to the risk of heart disease.
Milk chocolate contains both the fatty acids that come from the cocoa bean itself, and those that come from milk. Milk chocolate also contains a fairy amount of stearic acid, but the milk fat it contains contributes palmitic acid, and myristic acid, which do raise cholesterol.
So far, this means that the fat in dark chocolate is harmless, while the fat in milk chocolate is a bit less so. But not doing harm is not the same as actually doing good. Dark chocolate may actually do your health good.
Solid dark chocolate, or liquid cocoa, improve blood flow and the ability of blood vessels to dilate. All of these are signs that dark chocolate can, and probably does, reduce heart disease risk.
The “active ingredient” in dark chocolate is a class of antioxidants called flavanoids.
Dark chocolate is one of the most concentrated sources of these potent antioxidants known. There are more flavanoid antioxidants in dark chocolate than in wine, green tea, or even white tea.
Dark chocolate is also a concentrated source of magnesium, fiber and arginine -- all of which probably contribute something to its beneficial health effects. Arginine is an amino acid used by the cells that line our blood vessels to make a chemical called nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to dilate and blood flow to increase.
When you get that irresistible chocolate urge, satisfy it with the dark chocolate. You’ll get your chocolate “fix,” but with better nutrition, and generally less sugar and fewer calories. It’s worth noting that this same sort of substitution works in many food categories, allowing you to eat the type of food you like, while improving your nutrition at the same time.
Of course, too much of anything, even a good thing, is not a good idea. Dark chocolate is very nutritious, but it is a concentrated source of calories. Avoiding over-indulging, or weight gain will cancel out the benefits.
The principle that eating well is best achieved by making well-informed choices within any given food category, rather than abandoning categories of foods.


1) Eat fruits and vegetables.Orange-hued foods were found to be the most effective.

2)Take in more selenium at least 55 mcg per day. The best sources are whole grains, nuts (especially Brazil nuts), poultry, red meat and seafood. Foods rich in vitamin E, such as nuts and seeds are good source too.

3) Reduce alcohol to one glass a day.

4) Increase good fat ie omega3, monusaturated fats found in fish, nuts, olive oil and avocado. Can take at least 6000 to 9000 mg of salmon oil per day.

5) Increase protein intake. You should be getting about 25 percent of your daily calories from protein, choose lean sources like low-fat yogurt, fat-free milk, fish and poultry to keep calories down. Nuts are also high in protein, but can also be high in calories, so eat them in moderation. Protein helps to keep you feeling full and boost your energy – aiding in your weight loss efforts.Eating additional protein is especially helpful for those over 40 in reducing abdominal fat.

By Shawn McKeeStaff Writer Updated: November 12, 2007 e Diets

Fitness Myths for Women

Women Who Lift Weights Will Get Bulky Muscles: A woman has one-third the testosterone of a man, so putting on a ton of muscle is not going to happen. The women you see in the magazines that look BIG and manly are on steroids, growth hormones etc. You’ll look bulky if you’re carrying excessive body fat and building muscle. However, if you’re reducing body fat, you’ll eventually be able to see those lean, defined muscles.
Spot Reducing Is Possible: The human body loses fat over the entire body at various rates of speed. It’s impossible to spot reduce. If you’re focusing on only losing fat that sits on your hips, it won’t work. Generally, the first place you gain fat is the last place you lose it.
There’s a Magic Bullet (Quick Fix) Out There: There is no “best and only way” to work out. In reality, it’s all good if it works for you, but you don’t want to stay with any of it for too long. The body will adapt to any exercise routine in approximately four to six weeks. Vary volume of sets, time between sets, reps, exercises, cardiovascular exercises, exercise tapes etc. Manipulate your routine every three to four weeks and view change as the key constant.
By Raphael Calzadilla, BA, CPT, ACE
eDiets Chief Fitness ProUpdated: September 27, 2007

Sleep Away your FATS

Two new studies show a striking connection between amount of sleep and levels of appetite-regulating hormones in the body. The findings suggest that chronic sleep deprivation could be making you fat.
The sleep-deprived had higher levels of ghrelin in their blood. Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the stomach that sends out hunger signals to the brain, which then commands you to be interested in food.
The sleep-deprived had lower levels of leptin. Leptin, is another appetite-regulating hormone; it's produced by fat cells and delivers satiation signals to the brain. The particular hormonal ratio of high ghrelin/low leptin was likely encouraging the group to load up on unnecessary calories.
Therefore, remember to sleep away your FATS!!!!

By Carlin Flora
eDiets Contributor

Revitalising treatment of Cellulite and promoting inch loss using Mesotherapy (Mesolipo)

I have tried numerous cocktails for cellulite reduction and inch loss of course (for the past 5 years at leat). CelluCare from France so far has given me the most effective and satisfactory results in a short time. Fatty deposits appeared to diminish while skin firmness increases. Cellulite is also reduced and skin appeared to be smoother and free of cellulite.

Its fat burning ingredients are as follows:

Caffeine which helps to encourage fat lipolysis, swelling and fat storage reduction.

Hyaluronic acid which acts synergistically with Caffeine facilitates fats hydrolysis, reduces water retention, smoothens skin's surface. It assists in tightening the skin even after one session of mesotherapy.

Manganese, Zinc and Cobalt are trace elements that treats cellulite, repairs skin and also revitalise skin by its anti free radicals effects.

Verdict: My love handles have reduced dramatically. And I have continued treatments on other areas of my body such as inner thighs and lower abdomen. Each area required around 5 to 6 sessions for satisfactory results.

The Making of A Firm and Tight Butt

Smith Machine Forward Lunge

Starting position

 Place the bar across the back of your shoulders. Be sure it is not resting on your neck.

 Place one foot forward and one foot back. Both feet are flat on the floor and facing forward with a slight bend in the knees.


 Lower the weight until the front leg is at a 90-degree angle. The rear heel will come off the floor slightly but should remain straight with a slight bend in the knee.

 Contracting the quadriceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position stopping just short of the legs fully extending.

Key Points:

 Inhale while lowering the weight.

 Exhale while returning to the starting position.

 Do not let the front knee ride over your toes (you should be able to see your foot at all times).

 Do not let the back arch.

 Never let the knee of the back leg come in contact with the floor.


Smith Machine Wide Stance Squat

Starting position

 Begin by standing tall with feet shoulder-width apart. I've found that the glutes receive better stimulation when the feet are shoulder width. Feet almost parallel to each other.

 Place a bar across your shoulders. Be sure it is not resting on your neck.

 Maintain a neutral spine and a slight bend in the knees.


 Concentrating on the quadriceps muscles, begin to lower your body by bending from your hips and knees.

 Stop when your thighs are parallel with the floor.

 Slowly return to the starting position stopping just short of your knees fully extending.

Key Points:

 Exhale while returning to the starting position.

 Inhale as you lower down.

 Do not let your knees ride over your toes (you should be able to see your feet at all times).

 Think about sitting back in a chair as you are lowering down.

 Push off with your heels as you return to the starting position.

 Perform this movement in a slow and controlled fashion without using momentum.

 You may want to try this exercise without weights until you master the movement. It is a very effective exercise that involves most of the muscle groups of the lower body, but if done improperly can lead to injuries.


Dumbell Lunges


Starting position


 Stand straight with your feet together.

 Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms down at your sides.


 Step forward with the right leg and lower the left leg until the knee almost touches the floor.

 Contracting the quadriceps muscles, push off your right foot slowly returning to the starting position.

 Alternate the motion with the left leg to complete the set.

Key Points:

 Inhale while stepping forward.

 Exhale while returning to the starting position.

 The step should be big enough that your left leg is nearly straight. Do not let your knee touch the floor.

 Make sure your head is up and your back is straight.

 Your chest should be lifted and your front leg should form a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the movement.

 Your right knee should not pass your right foot. You should be able to see your toes at all times.

 If you have one leg that is more dominant than the other, start out with the less dominant leg first.

 Discontinue this exercise if you feel any discomfort in your knees.


Raw Power in Motion (RPM)

Starting position

  • Adjust

    Handle bar: Same level with the padded seat. If the handle bar is lower, improvement to the core can be seen.

    Padded seat: Same level with your pelvic bone. Or adjust to the level where when seated, one side of the leg is slightly bent when the pedal is pushed down.

    The distance between the handle bar (nearest point to the cyclist) and the padded seat is one forearm's length.


  • Cycling in groups with an instructor to the music played. Usually 7 to 8 songs of the RPM releases will be played.
  • Cycle in seating position or over the top (OTT).

Key points:

  • Ensure resistance is adjusted according to instructions. Spinning with low resistance, Climbing with accelerating resistance etc.
  • Ensure abs is tightened throughout the activity by contracting your abs muscles and glutes are tightened and seated firmly on the seat.
  • Shoulders muscles are pulled back and arms are relaxed.

Verdict: This is the best cardio and strength exercise (OTT) for tightening the butt. Try to RPM every alternate days, 3 times a week if possible and for sure within a month, you will see your body fat reducing, but a firm and tight butt is in the making.

Remember: Your glutes won't get tighter and smaller unless your overall body fat is reduced. You can perform all the butt movements on the planet for hours a day, but it won't make one bit of difference unless you lose body fat. Spot reduction is simply not possible.

Contributed by Raphael Calzadilla, B.A., CPT, ACE
eDiets Chief Fitness Pro

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fat Absorber



Tried: 120mg x 84's by Roche Pharma

Active ingredient: Orlistat

Directions: Adults 1 capsule with each main meal. Taking more than 1 capsule with each main meal shows no additional benefits. Should be taken with food (take immediately before or during or up to 1 hr after each main meal. If a meal is missed or contains no liquid fat, the intake can be omitted.).

Adverse reactions: GI discomfort, oily spotting, flatus w/ discharge, faecal urgency, fatty/oily stool, oily evacuation, increased defaecation & faecal incontinence. May decrease absorption of vitamin A, D, E & K & β-carotene which is oil soluble.

My personal experience: The uncontrollable discharge of liquid fat during flatulence makes the whole fat absorbing experience unpleasant. Also found out that solid fat as animal fats cannot be eliminated as effectively as liquid fats/ oils. Any consumption of Omega 3 capsules or CLA will be passed out as long as xenical is still in the intestines to perform its duty of fats binding even after 4 or 6 hours of xenical intake. Taking xenical also dries up my skin externally. Therefore, will only consume xenical when having a really oily meal!!!!!!! And advised to wear a panty liner to prevent staining of pants/ skirts as it is really difficult to wash.

Tried Fat Burners

  1. Guarana (Traditional Medicine)

Tried: 100 capsules 250 mg with 36% (90mg) caffeine by GNC. 2 capsules 15 to 30 minutes before engaging in exercise activities.

Comments: Guarana contains a high amount of guaranine, a chemical substance with the same characteristics as caffeine. This makes Guarana a stimulant similar to coffee, which means that it quickens perceptions, delays sleep, helps with endurance based activities such as strength training, impairs the appetite or reduces appetite, will lead to more frequent visits to the toilet cause it has diuretics effect , causes a higher blood pressure and an increased heart palpitations and can make you feel slightly jittery.

Directions: Only for people who can tolerate with caffeine intake. Will experience extra perspirations during physical activities and not to be taken 6 hours before bedtime. . Exercise has to be included as part of the weight loss supplements programme.

  1. Hydroxycut by Muscle Tech

Tried: Muscle Tech Hydroxycut 100 capsules. 2 capsules each time before each exercise acitivity up to 8 capsules a day.

Claims: Hydroxycut is designed to obtain fat-loss results when combined with diet and exercise. Hydroxycut contains exclusive compounds Hydroxagen Plus and HydroxyTea to help boost your metabolism,and increase energy level. Hydroxycut includes everything that's great about ephedra-free Hydroxycut, and a special ingredient called Gymnema Sylvestre Extract to help promote normal blood sugar levels. This amazing formula helps to boost your metabolism so you can burn more calories throughout the day than you normally would.

Directions: Only for people who can tolerate with caffeine intake. Will experience extra perspirations during physical activities and not to be taken 6 hours before bedtime. Exercise has to be included as part of the weight loss supplements programme.

  1. Xenadrine

Tried: Cytodyne Xenadrine NRG 120 capsules. Approximately RM326 per bottle.

Claims: This is a new 8-hour Power Xenadrine-NRG which is a revolutionary new extended-release energy supplement which utilizes a unique "power-pellet" delivery system. Its patented formula is specifically designed to help increase energy levels within thirty minutes and then keep on working to maintain those levels for up to 8 full hours.
The secret to Xenadrine NRG's effectiveness resides in a remarkable combination of natural ingredients. First is Norambrolide™ which is a fermented sage compound that has been shown in unpublished in-vitro research1 to increase levels of a cellular messenger called CAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). The significance of this is that in some metabolic processes, CAMP is involved in activating cellular enzymes and other substances that help move fat out of the fat cells and promote the weight loss process; although no research has yet been done to demonstrate that Norambrolide™ will have this effect in humans.

Next is the proprietary Thermozanthin™ blend. This includes Yerba Mate, Guarana, Green Tea and Cocoa seed extract; each of which are sources of methylxanthines (e.g., caffeine) as having thermogenic activity (heat producing which leads to the body burning more calories) in human and animal research. Furthermore, green tea extract has been demonstrated in a randomized, placebo-controlled study to increase weight loss and burn calories. Other research on green tea has shown similar results. The Thermozanthin™ blend also contains the amino acid l-tyrosine. Tyrosine is a precursor to catecholamines like norepinephrine and dopamine, which are integral to the body's fat burning processes. Also included in the Thermozanthin™ blend is green coffee bean extract. In human research the chlorogenic acid in coffee has been shown to reduce the amount of carbohydrates absorbed. Furthermore, animal research using isolated chlorogenic acid demonstrated that this compound has the ability to reduce the amount of glucose that can be created from metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. The potential benefit is that when the body is unable to derive energy from these sources, it may draw upon stored sources of energy (such as body fat) to help meet energy needs; although no research has yet been done to demonstrate that green coffee extract will have this effect in humans. Rounding out this formula is vitamin B12, a nutrient necessary in the maturation of red blood cells (which carry oxygen for energy metabolism). It should be noted that many of the natural ingredients in this formula support energy metabolism.

Directions: Standard NRG Serving: To maintain energy and burn fat for up to 8 hours, take two tablets daily. Super NRG Serving: To increase energy and fat-burning for up to 8 hours, take three tablets daily. Ultra NGR Serving: For maximum energy and fat- burning for up to 8 hours, take four tablets daily. For best results, use as part of a sensible diet and exercise program.

My personal experience: Develop allergy to it. The thermogenic effect is so great that my whole skin dried up, my face got so wrinkled and pimples or rashes started to appear on my face. Returned the whole bottle after taking 4 capsules over two days. Promised not to try that ever again.

Tried: Xenadrine EFX is a potent ephedra free, thermogenic formula.

Claims: Xenadrine EFX provides naturally derived caffeine. To receive the desired weight loss benefits of Xenadrine EFX, it should be used in conjunction with a well-balanced, calorie-controlled diet and exercise program.*

Nutrition Facts:
1 Bottle Contains 120 capsules
Serving Size (caps): 2
Servings Per Bottle: 60
Vitamin C 100 mg
Vitamin  B6 10 mg
Pantothenic acid 12 mg
Magnesium 10 mg
Norambrolide (Salvia sclarea leaf extract) 20 mg
Proprietary Thermodyne Complex  1415 mg

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take two capsules before breakfast or morning exercise session, and two capsules at mid afternoon with 8 ounces of water. Do not take in the evening. Do not exceed 4 capsules per day. Individuals weight under 150 lbs may wish to begin use with one half the recommended dose for the first week (one capsule twice per day

Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing or at risk of or being treated for high blood pressure, heart disease, renal disease, hyperthyroidism, spasms, psychiatric disease, suffer from migraines, are allergic to tyramine or chocolate, have asthma, or are taking asthma medication. Consult your physician before use if you are taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). The recommended dose of this product contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee and should not be taken by individuals wishing to eliminate caffeine from their diet. Limit use of caffeine-containing foods and beverages while taking this product because too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, and occasionally, rapid heartbeat.

My personal experience: Tried it as it claims exercise is not necessary. Of course this happened 5 years ago when am so naive and believe whatever it claimed. OF course this product has its ingredients which help to lift up your mood, anti oxidant (green tea extract), increase weight loss through increasing energy output. However, I personally don't find it any different from the rest of so called claimed thermogenic products.

4) Atro-Phex by BSN

Tried: 1 box of 98's red capsules at RM277 per box. (

Comments: It is without a doubt, the most incredibly powerful mood, well-being, energy, thermogenic and physical and cognitive performance formula so far that I have tried. The thermogenic effect is felt immediately after approximately 5 to 10 minutes. The taste of strawberry when burped. However, unlike other fat burners like hydroxycut or xenadrine, no redness on face is observed. Slight heatiness can be felt as small pimples start appearing on my face.

Claims: Absolutely phenominal gripping whole-body effects within mere minutes of your very first Atrophex dose. Atrophex penetrates both subcutaneous and absolutely "deep" incredibly stubborn fat stores with the most genuinely powerful thermogenic technology ever formulated. Atro-Phex has simply incredible positive effects on mood, overall appetite suppression, well-being, energy, thermogenesis, cognitive and overall physical performance. Fully removes the overall subcutaneous water deeply under your skin so you can finally see that great overall muscle shape, cuts, and genuine definition. Simply unmatched overall suppression of actual appetite and great cravings.

Directions: To assess tolerance, take 1 capsules on an empty stomach 30-45 minutes before breakfast or protein shake. Then take 1 capsule on an emtpy stomach 30-45 minutes before a meal or protein shake approximately 4-5 hours later. If tolerable, take 2 capsules twice daily, everyday.



  1. Reductil 10 mg and 15mg

Tried: RM196 for 10mg, RM270 for 15mg by Abbott prescribed by a medical doctor .

Active ingredient: Sibutramine HCl

Precaution: Closely monitor BP & pulse rate. Epilepsy, mild to moderate hepatic or renal impairment, family history of motor & verbal tics. Women of childbearing potential should use adequate contraception.

Adverse reactions: Tachycardia, palpitations, vasodilation, appetite loss, constipation, nausea, haemorrhoid aggravation, dry mouth, insomnia, dizziness, paraesthesia, headache, anxiety, sweating, dysgeusia.

Directions: Initially, 10 mg once daily. May increase to 15 mg once daily if response unsatisfactory (wt loss <2 kg after 4 wk), provided 10 mg was well-tolerated.

Their principles based on 10-20-30 healthy weight programme. 10 minutes with the doctor on health. Medical history, eating habits and lifestyles. 20 percent less food intake with a correct proportion of carbohydrates, protein and good fats. And lastly, 30 minutes of exercise to increase energy expenditure and burn more calories.

My personal experience: I really like the effect in the beginning. I tried it 4 years ago when It first launched. I started with 10mg followed by 15mg once a day. My appetite reduced substantially. However, I felt thirsty most of the time and therefore drank plenty of water and frequent the restroom every few hours. However, some of my patients and friends have some pimples breakouts during the course of taking it. However, as one's appetite is reduced, he/ she can take reductil as and when necessary like during some festive seasons when food is hard to resist.

The only setback is it can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Chromium picolinate stabilising blood sugar

According to Dr. Perricone, Chromium has the benefits of lowering blood sugar and insulin levels, which is the key to weight loss. Chromium unlocks the enzymes that aid in fat metabolism. It helps to normalise blood lipids by reducing triglycerides and total cholesterol, as well as increasing HDL. It is also important for energy production and regulating appetite by reducing sugar cravings and lowering body fats. It is a vital mineral for diabetic patients.

Recommended: Chromium picolinate 200, 180 tablets from GNC. Listed price RM79.00 per bottle. One tablet per day is sufficient.

Calcium and Vitamin C for further weight loss

Calcium is a mineral which is required for strong bones. Increases the density of bones to reduce osteoporosis in the long run. Skimmed milk which is high in calcium but very negligible fats content is highly recommended. Even though the correlation between high calcium food like low fat yogurt and skimmed milk is not clear, there is evidence that high calcium food promotes weight loss. Again drinking milk to satisfy cravings or hunger does not add inches to the waistline, but actually reduces the urge to indulge in sugary food or snacks.

Being an exercise addict, I am constantly looking for food. Every two to three hours, I need to keep myself fuelled up by eating some food. Especially in the evening before my bedtime, drinking skimmed milk approximately 200 ml will satisfy my cravings for supper.

Recommended calcium supplements: Natural Factors Calcium & Magnesium with Plus C, Potassium and Zinc. , a product of Canada and imported by Nuvanta Pte Ltd(Singapore) or Nuvanta Sdn Bhd.

Sufficient potassium in your diet helps soothe feelings of anxiety, irritability and stress. It also helps keep nerve impulses firing in top form, and releases energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates during metabolism.

Sources: United States Food and Drug Administration, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Zinc is vital for healthy skin and important component for enzyme reactions. It is vital to reduce many skin disorders such as acne and eczema as well as anorexia nervosa. It is also involved in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and fats for energy.

Vitamin C being one of the most important and powerful anti oxidants available, other than A and E, is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C benefits are non exhaustive but for aesthetic reasons, it is responsible for producing collagen. Collagen is present in your muscles and bones. It is responsible for holding the cells together. Vitamin C is also related to carbohydrate metabolism. Deficiency production of insulin occurs in deficiency in Vitamin C(also known as ascorbic acid). Vitamin C also helps in the production of anti stress hormone. Stress hormones known as cortisol will cause excessive weight gains. Cortisol is also produced when one exercises too excessively. Therefore, exercise regime which will be touched into later. 1000 mg to 2000 mg a day is recommended.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Omega 3 (Salmon Fish Oil)

Quick changes to your supplements popping routines

Salmon Oil (1000mg each capsule)

Go to the nearest pharmacy. Buy yourself a bottle of salmon oil softgel capsules. It usually comes in 1000mg per capsule. Pop 2/ 3 capsules each interval, morning, afternoon and evening either before or after a meal.

Salmon oil? Wouldn't it make me fatter? If I am on xenical capsules, another fat blocker by Roche, wouldn't it defeat its purpose? Let me explain the reasons, consequences and the eventual benefits.


According to Dr Perricone in his The Perricone Weight Loss Diet, and most of the health and fitness enthusiasts, Omega -3 fats in salmons and most cold water fish like black cod, tuna and sardines are amazing superfood. Omega-3 fats encourage the burning of fat for energy and discourage storage of fat. Omega-3 fats are good in reducing inflammation which induces weight gain, encourage usage of fats as fuel, improve blood sugar control, stimulates leptin secretion which suppress appetite and burn fat stored in adipose tissue and also assist in reducing LDL which is a bad cholesterol.

For athletics, Omega-3 improves their performance, assist in building stronger and more defined muscles, encourage fat loss and overall physics is improved.


By taking high amounts of Omega-3 initially, the uneasiness is the fishy taste when one burps. However, as taking this healthy fats becomes a routine as well as results are seen slowly in terms of better defined muscles tone as well as reduction in waistline, one will be encourage to take them perpetually. This is through my personal experience.

Also, I personally recommend this brand, natural Factors Salmon Oil 1000mg, a product of Canada and imported by Nuvanta Pte Ltd(Singapore) or Nuvanta Sdn Bhd. Its price is very reasonable and its salmon oil is of high quality. Look for its bonus pack which is really value for money.


Eventual Benefits

When one person eats inflammatory food, the body enters into a state of constant cellular inflammation. Yes, constantly and perpetually unless the person stops or reduces his or her habits of eating. Therefore, stop cellular inflammation and excess body fat will be eliminated automatically. Exercise is the key here. Nothing can be gained, that is fat loss without sufficient physical activity to utilise calories consumed during the day. A 30 minutes cardio exercise such as walking or running on a treadmill, cycling, walking on a cross trainer or elliptical is sufficient for a start.

One's skin or complexion will appear to be more supple and glowing too. I have been in the aesthetic industry for the last 6 years. Being a really vain person, I do notice my skin is glowing and firmer as the days go by. However, the changes are not overnight. Nothing can be achieved without sufficient patience and hard work. If you are diligent enought by working out at least 30 minutes a day for 5 to 6 days a week, and taking the recommended supplements, I am very sure that results can be seen in a month's time.


Additional tips for weight loss related to Omega-3

Being a person staying alone on my own, I hardly prepare meals at home. Eating outside or dining out on weekends with friends is one of my favourite times other than spending time in office and working out in gym. When I eat outside, I will usually order fish, whether it is cod, salmon or tuna or some local fishes found in our water. I will try to order grilled, broiled or sometimes even fish fillet covered with bread crumbs(try to avoid those really oily and over-fried fish fillet of course). As long as it is fish and mostly protein, the meal is healthy and will not increase your waistline. Eat with salads or vegetables served as well as some soups will contribute to satisfying the hunger and cravings for more refined carbohydrates such as rice or bread or pasta. These refined carbohydrates will cause sugar spikes and will make you further indulge in unhealthy carbohydrate. Trust me, when you adjust your eating routine to a more healthier and slimmer style, you will automatically adjust to it and stick to it especially when physical changes towards the better is observed

Battling with Bulges

FAT!!!! This is one of my most fearful issue throughout my adult life.

I started work at the age of 21 years old, 11 years ago. My first salary receipt had gone to the revenues of one of the top self proclaimed slimming centre in Asia. And my fat/ bulge fighting experience goes through a really long and expensive way cum non successful weight plus inch reduction till now, where I understand and fully understand that keeping the weights off is a long life time process.

How Do I know if your Weight is Healthy?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common measurement to check if you are overweight.

BMI = Weight (kg)/ Height (m) x Height (m)

Proposed Asian BMI Guidelines

Category            BMI(kg/m2)

Underweight            <18.5

Normal Weight        18.5-22.9

Overweight            23-24.9

Obese                >25


Another way to check if you are overweight is by measuring your waist circumference.

A waist measurement greater than 80cm (31.5") for women and 90cm (35.5") for men increases the risk of health problems even though you might be within the healthy BMI range group.


Reasons for weight gain:

  • Overeating. Calories output is less than calories input.
  • Lack of physical activities.
  • Snacking non-stop out of boredom or stress like me.....
  • Excessive exercise which cause a surge in stress hormone that is cortisol.
  • Many many more.... you can keep be posted though....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Definition of Mesotherapy

In basic terms, mesotherapy is a non-invasive procedure which involves injecting a customized cocktail of substances that can include...
1) vitamins
2) minerals
3) medications
4) amino acids like L-carnitine
...just underneath the surface of your skin. (
Invented in the 1950s by a French doctor by the name of Michel Pistor, mesotherapy is becoming an approach with many new innovations. You'll often hear names like MesoGlowTM, MesoPeelTM, MesoBoostTM and lipodissolve. Each is derived from the basic principles of mesotherapy.
Originally, mesotherapists would puncture the skin with a syringe and inject the treatment solution by hand. Though this process is still used in parts of the world, many mesotherapists are now using specially-made machines (called mesotherapy injection guns).
Injection guns are typically handheld electric instruments that use a tube and needle system. One end is a sterilized needle that is attached to a tube filled with a treatment solution.
However, Mesotherapy should not be considered as a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. Again the General Rule applies. Exercise yourself to health and fitness in the long run. Mesotherapy is just a solution to your current problem.

Side effects: Slight to severe bruising, discomfort and/ or pain might be experienced depending on individuals, medical practioners administering the procedure as well as the coctails used.

Easy ways to cut calories daily

1. Read the fine print (on labels or menu cards!) When you're dining out or eating prepared food from chips to some delicacies, you can lose pounds or still keep a flat tummy after a meal choosing a "light" alternative, such as grilled chicken and salad and will be better if you can find someone to share the dish with you. I find that you will eat lesser and healthier if you can share your portion and at the same time add varieties to your choice.
2. The sweet tooth solution! Eat two to three pieces of dark chocolate or a teaspoon of peanut butter when your crave hit you rather that indulge yourself in an ice cream cone/ stick.
3. Set your alarm every morning and/ or evening! Even a quick and modest kind of activity like walking on a treadmill or cross trainer will burns calories. Make it a regime everyday if possible.
4. Walk or cycle while you prattle talk or watch TV! Next time you're chatting on the phone, get on your bike or take a walk. Two in one task will benefit you in the long run.
5. Beware the burger bun! Throw away the bun or bread the next time you ordered a burger. Or at least eat only one side of the burger or bun. This will reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
6. Cooking with spray/ little oil! Substitute a vegetable oil spray for one tablespoon of peanut or corn oil.
7. Join the healthy and satisfying snack committee! Healthful snacks make an incredible difference. Swapping a serving of fruit for the usual super cookie or bronwie each week will save you at last 500 calories. And you'll probably save 1,000 calories since few of us stop at one cookie!
8. The ‘YAM CHA’ or hanging up trap! Ensure your ‘YAM CHA’ activity will replace one of your sit down meals and ensure you do include your calories consumed during the ‘YAM CHA’ as part of your daily meal’s planning.
9. The secret is always have some healthy snacks with you all the time! When healthy snacks are made available anytime, the tendency of indulging in unhealthy and calories laidden food is reduced. You will fill yourself up with your quick and healthy snacks and take your time to look for good food and to eat them slowly in order not to overeat.
10. Said ‘No’ politely to food/ drinks you do not want or enjoy! Like me, I am one of the people who does not enjoy any kinda of liqueur. While my friends are having a great time drinking away during festive seasons or gatherings, they do respect my choice of just having a juice, sodas, or even coffee.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Females working harder to remain Slim and Trim

Female Fat is Different from Male Fat

Men and women do not live in an equal world when it comes to our bodies -- our specifically body fat. Men are taller with larger muscles and bones and a faster metabolism. At puberty, girls put on fat and boys put on muscle.
Fat StorageWomen are both blessed and cursed with the ability to store excess body fat. Fat serves an important biological purpose by helping to insulate the body, pad the internal organs and provide energy. And nature has also cleverly designed women’s bodies to carry almost double the amount of body fat as men because we bear and nourish babies. Fat is the primary energy source our bodies use to support fetal development. Therefore, to keep it available for the developing fetus, our bodies tend to store extra fat in the abs, hips, butt and thighs.
Unfortunately, we don’t have control over where our fat cells decide to swell and shrink, but we can make great strides in helping the cells release fat by exercising. For fat to be metabolized, it must be released from the fat cell and be transported by the bloodstream, where it is shunted to the liver and other active tissues to be used as fuel.
Unfortunately, blood flow to fatty tissues is poor compared to the circulation in muscles and organs. So, fat regions tend to remain fat partially due to poor blood circulation.
The less circulation-stimulating exercise we perform, the more our bodies are inclined to accumulate fat, although more blame tends to lie with greater food intake.

Estrogen is a hormone responsible for secondary female sex characteristics and can influence the body’s enzymes to store fat in the lower body, while suppressing the storage of fat in the upper body. Women may have noticed that when they diet, the first place they see lost inches is in your bust area.
During pregnancy and the menstrual cycle, hormones encourage the fat cells to retain water. The water retention slows circulation and makes it more difficult to mobilize fat. The good news is that exercise can help to regulate hormone responses and ultimately become fat-releasing machines.
The other main hormone women produce is progesterone. Progesterone affects appetite and mood. It makes you hungrier during the second half of your menstrual cycle and is responsible for your ravenous appetite during pregnancy. Progesterone can also make you feel sluggish, sleepy and therefore less inclined to exercise. Women who take birth control pills gain on average 3 to 5 pounds as a side effect.

Throughout pregnancy, fat cells not only expand, but can multiply in number. When pregnancy is over, those fat cells remain and are always ready to expand in size whenever your intake of calories surpasses the energy you use.
With each pregnancy, the weight-loss dilemma is compounded further. The thyroid gland, which also drives the metabolism, notoriously becomes sluggish during pregnancy to help the body hold on to fat.
The average age of natural menopause for women in the United States is 51. During peri-menopause (the 10 years prior to menopause), we begin producing less estrogen, which is a protective hormone. We also tend to sleep less and our appetite becomes stimulated. Before we reach that pre-menopausal stage, women typically deposit fat on the hips and thighs. As peri-menopause begins, we begin to deposit more fat around the waist and chest.

Many generations ago, lean people tended to die younger, so natural selection favored those who were fatter. Over the centuries, a genetic predisposition for fat has been built into our genes. If you take a look at your mother, mother’s sisters and female cousins, you may notice a strong resemblance in body types. Some families seem more predisposed to “cellulite” than others.
Unfortunately we cannot change our genetics, but we can choose to express the positive genes. Some women are gifted to naturally look like athletes or models, and others can do all of the dieting and training in the world and still have trouble spots.
While genetics does influence where we store body fat, non genetic influences such as lifestyle, environmental and cultural factors are shown to be more important. You can overcome any weaknesses and trouble spots to a certain degree with balanced strength, cardiovascular and flexibility training -- along with making nutritious food choices. You have the ability to transform your body regardless of your inherited traits. Focus on being the best you can be.
Why Men Have It EasierCompared to women, men are generally quicker to lose weight as a result of regular exercise. They tend to carry their fat in the upper body, and those cells are more prone to release fat than the fat cells in the lower body, where women tend to store extra weight. Women are also more likely to increase their total fat cell count, both at puberty and during pregnancy, which men don’t have to deal with. One of the reasons for this difference between the sexes is that testosterone, the male hormone, stimulates bone and muscle growth. Men don’t lose testosterone at the rate that women lose estrogen. As a result, men retain more muscle and more bone minerals as they age, giving them higher metabolisms and making them less likely to develop osteoporosis.

Bulking Up
A woman is not engineered to develop huge bulging muscles like men. Women have low levels of testosterone in their bodies, about one tenth of what men have, and testosterone is the primary stimulus for muscular growth. So, even when women strength train, they will not be able to raise their metabolisms to the rate of a man’s.

Happy Marriage
Just two years after marriage, women start gaining 2 to 5 pounds of fat a year. The reason is that they begin to pick up the habits of their husbands who naturally eat 35 percent more than them to maintain their speedy metabolisms. Women also traditionally do the cooking and tend to eat as they cook, during the meal and during the clean up.
The great news is that with the right fitness program and healthful eating plan, a lean, feminine, firm and fit body can be yours. Exercise is the very best fountain of youth and even better, the results are guaranteed!

By Kelli Calabrese MS,
CSCSeDiets Contributor

Energy Boosting Food without adding to your inches

1. A Good, Tasty , Healthy and Satisfying Breakfast/ Brunch
I always believe in a good, happy and therefore tasty, healthy and satisfying (wholesome) breakfast. For Malaysians, we are always faced with a trade off of tasty but not very healthy food with boring but healthy home prepared kinda breakfast. For example, roti canai, nasi lemak, fried noodles versus healthy versions like whole grain cereals, bread with peanut butter spread etc.
But the trick is like this. Reward yourself during the start of the day. Like me having a set of kaya toast with 2 half boiled eggs and a cup of ‘old fashioned’ coffee will kick start my weekdays. Usually this type of breakfast will bring me to lunch without being hungry or deprived. At mid noon, I might have a protein bar (around 170 to 210 calories) and a cup of coffee. Then around 5 or 6 pm, I will have a chocolate drink to keep my energy high for my evening exercises. Then of course, around 8pm, I will usually have a healthy breakfast with not much carbohydrates. So remember, Eat Breakfast like a Queen/ King.
On weekends, I will have my brunch instead and therefore, huge but not too healthy breakfast like our Malaysian delicacies come into the picture. However, since my weekends are usually very passive, that is, sitting in front of the idiot box (now screen), I don’t feel hungry so early and easily.

2. Nuts and beans. Roasted peanuts, almonds, green beans and fava beans are good pick me up snacks. However, if possible, when trying to snack them in between meals, drink a lot of water or chinese tea to fill you up.

3. Coffee/ Chocolate Drink. No sugar added if possible. A cup of hot coffee/ chocolate drink will satisfy your cravings for sugar or sugary food. However, limit your intake to one or two cups (200 ml) a day. Can consume it as a pre workout beverage.

4. Dark Chocolate. Makes you feel satisfied. Contains 54% and more of cocoa.

REMINDER: Whatever you eat and consume, remember moderation is the key. Do not deprieve your self of your favourite food. Reward yourself every now and then but burn it off by exercising for life. There is not short cut to it.