Interesting stuff

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Liposinol™- Fat Free Food

Have you tried Liposinol™ ? Frankly, it is still new here in Malaysia but the effect is excellent. If you are like me who have tried all kinds of the so claimed fat absorbing supplements like chitosan, you might as well give Liposinol™ a try.

The non-soluble fibres in Liposinol™ are clinically proven to bind dietary fats through irreversible interactions. When you take Liposinol™ with water immediately after a meal, the non-soluble fibres in Litramine readily bind with the fat in the food you have just ingested. Meanwhile, the soluble fibres in Litramine become a gel that forms a protective barrier around the fat–fibre complex. After a meal with Liposinol™, the fibre complex in Litramine mixes with your food. Your food plus the fibres increase the viscosity of the stomach content and produce a bulking effect. You will feel full for a prolonged period of time and your desire to eat is reduced.

With Liposinol™, the reduction of appetite results in a substantial reduction on your total daily food intake, which again means less calorie intake for your body.

The surrounding gel stabilises and protects the fat-fibre complex from being broken down during the gastro-intestinal transit. The stable fat-fibre complex is too large to pass through the blood vessels lining the intestinal walls and is prevented from being absorbed by your body.

The unabsorbed fats (as fat-fibre complex) are therefore naturally eliminated in your stool.

What this means to you is that with Liposinol™, less fat is absorbed from your daily food and less calories go into your body.

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