1. Yoga increases flexibility.
Flexibility will increase even without anyone realising it and this is for sure with Yoga. Pictures of yogis with their legs wrapped around their heads and bodies twisted beyond recognition are images often called to mind at the mention of yoga.
Stretching connective tissues in the body makes the tissue more elastic. This elasticity is one of the most important aspect of preventing injuries to the body.. Tissues such as muscles, ligaments or that can stretch without tearing will bring benefits to everyone.
2. Yoga prevents aging.
Along with preventing injury, flexibility also keeps the body young. As a body ages, its connective tissues and organs become rigid. This rigidity is the effect of denseness without circulation. If the body is not regularly stretched out, tissues become dense and are often coated in fibroid tissue. It's difficult for the tissues to get blood through them, let alone vitamins, minerals or energy.
Keeping your muscles flexible will keep the body young, and diminish the overall effects of aging. Even facial muscles can be exercised by practising yoga. "Tiger roar or Laughing yoga" are beneficial for reducing facial wrinkles. Other than Botox of course.
3. Yoga tones the organs.
Every posture in yoga has several functions. The forward bend helps to flush the kidneys. The triangle opens up the liver. When held for the right amount of time, a yoga practice can revitalize and tone every one of the internal organs. The benefits of keeping your organs in good condition go without saying. Organs are the production house of any individuals and keeping them in good shape is really important.
4. Yoga increases healthy energy flow.
The yogis of ancient India discovered nadis, or energy pathways, that flow through the body. As we age, the nadis constrict, allowing less and less vital energy to flow through the body. The result is aging, loss of energy and eventually death.
The practice of yoga is designed to keep these energy pathways open, thereby allowing plenty of vital energy, or life force, to flow into the body. This flow not only keeps you young, it also keeps the body healthy. Lack of life force in the body can often result in depression, anger or other negative states of being. When there is plenty of life force in the body, and the nadis are open, your overall feeling will be one of bliss, peace, equanimity, love and alertness. Their teachings and believes are very similar to those who believe in Reiki, another kind of self healing.
5. Yoga focuses the mind.
As you progress with a physical yoga practice, you will find your level of concentration will increase. I realised that during the one hour of yoga practice, my mind is only on yoga and nothing else as you will find that your position or posture will be compromised if you start thinking of something else.
This ability to maintain one pointed concentration will find its way into the rest of your life, the effect of which lends itself to brilliance in everything you do. With your total concentration, every action you participate in will be that much more perfect, well thought out and of service to yourself and all of humanity.
6. Yoga gives you love.
Through the practice of yoga, one comes to realize that we are all in this together. Yoga, in its essence, means union. And this union makes itself apparent on many different levels. You will come to know yourself, to find integration in the many aspects of your life. But you will also come to know others for who they really are. Beyond the masks we wear, we are all going through life in the same way, searching for union with each other and with a higher power.
Through yogic practices, you gain the insight to see through the masks of the ego, and to look deeply into your own heart. Why are you here? What is life showing you? How are you looking at the world? To come to know yourself is to love yourself with an unconditional mother's love. And to love yourself is to love the world and all of its inhabitants.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Life with Yoga
Monday, March 17, 2008
Abs Anatomy
The abdominals are composed of four major muscles: the rectus abdominis, the transversus abdominis and the internal and external obliques.
A lying abdominal machine will not give you a flat abs, a seated abdominal machine will not give you a flat stomach and 1,000 crunches per day will not give you a flat stomach.
This is the infamous, but improperly-named "six-pack." It's actually an eight-pack. It's a long, thin muscle that runs vertically down the body from the breastbone and fifth, sixth and seventh ribs to the top of the pubic bone. With supportive nutrition and efficient work, it can help create the much desired "ripples" that poke out detailing the "eight-pack," but it can't create a flat stomach. The muscle fibers simply run the wrong way for that to happen.
The transversus muscle holds your gut tight and flat. It's a thin sheet of muscle running along the sides of the abs, which joins connective tissue behind it. Its fibers run across the stomach, join into the rear area of the abs and wrap around the sides of the body. It attaches along the rib cage and into the back muscles. It's your body's natural corset! When you suck your gut in, you have just used your transversus. This is the only muscle that can help create a flat midsection!
The internal obliques are diagonal fibers that fan out from the pelvis and ribs to the rear of the "eight-pack." They provide a layer of support over the transversus. The external obliques, also referred to as the "love handles," are composed of fibers that run from the front of the pelvis and "eight-pack" back to the ribs.
Flattening the Stomach, Concentrate on TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS
Focussing on the transversus abdominis will flatten your stomach. However, don't forget to work all four areas of the abdominals for maximum effectiveness and core stability.
Article extracted from eDiets
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Carboxy Therapy for cellulite free body
Carboxytherapy is another treatment tried six months ago.The simple technique claims to dramatically improve the appearance of cellulite by improving local tissue metabolism and perfusion. Treatments are rapid, but uncomfortable. You will feel the parts being treated balloon as the gas being flowed in by puncture holes made by needles, about 30G.
How is Carboxytherapy being administered?
It is a non surgical method. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is infiltrated into the subcutaneous tissue through a tiny 30G needle (0.3mm in diameter). From the injection point, the carbon dioxide diffuses easily into adjacent tissues. Needles will then be held firmly at the respective positions using a surgical tape. The treatment will be administered by the physician throughout of helped by a nurse or assistant and alcohol swaps being wiped at the punctured parts throughout to reduce discomfort.
How does the carbon dioxide work?
Carboxytherapy works in two complimentary ways. Firstly, and quite simply carbon dioxide mechanically kills fat cells but supposedly bursting them.
Secondly, it also has a strong vasodilatory effect (causes dilation of blood vessels) on the capillaries in the area. Wider vessels mean bigger and stronger blood flow to the area, which means more oxygen. The increase in oxygen is important because it eliminates the built up fluid from between the cells. The end result is fewer fat cells and firmer subcutaneous tissue. A vast reduction of cellulite can be observed even after two sessions of treatments.
My personal experience
Nevertheless, the treatment is not comfortable. The areas surrounding the injection sites will be inflated for 10 to 20 minutes as CO2 is being infiltrated. The level of comfort will decrease during the procedure.
Between 10 and 20 sessions are necessary to eliminate cellulite. Ideally they should be carried out every other day, although sometimes two or even one session per week will be sufficient due to the level of pain. This will depend on the extent of your cellulite. Each session lasts between 10 to 15 minutes.
After the 5th session you will see that your skin looks noticeably healthier. Around the 8-10 session mark, you will appreciate that your subcutaneous tissue is firmer. Before the treatment program ends you will have firmer, cellulite free skin. From my personal point of view, one will be advised not to sign up a course of treatments. Due to the level of pain and uncomfortableness, one might even give up half way through the process. An alternative way to get rid of cellulite or maintenance programme such as endermologie will be highly recommended. Endermologie is very comfortable and its effectiveness is not any less than Carboxytherapy. Therefore, a person like me who loves to try out all available treatments will only recommend Carboxytherapy to satisfy your curiosity rather than a long term maintenance cellulite reduction programme.
There are no restrictions on any activities after the treatment. Activities can be resumed as soon as possible.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Calories, Junk, Fitness
Nutrition is the KEY contributor to weight loss and weight management. It is vital that we stay conscious of what goes into our body. The quality and quantity of food we consume is directly reflected in our bodies' appearance, as well as our overall health. No amount of exercise can counterbalance a poor diet and unhealthy eating habits.
1. Do not drastically cut calories.
Our body need food to give us energy to perform our daily activities. However, we can limit the intake of empty calories. These come from foods with little or no nutrients. Sinful foods such as doughnuts, shortbreads etc will only add empty calories and we might need to forego more nutritional food to justify for additional empty calories.
2. Keep junk foods out of sight, and out of mind.
It is hard to resist the temptation of junk food such as potato ships, prawn crackers etc. In order to avoid giving in to these unhealthy snacks, it is advisable not to keep them within reach at all. Instead, keep healthy snacks that satisfy your cravings such as fruits and nuts.
3. Do not drink your calories.
Carbonated drinks, juices are high in sugar and therefore add tonnes of empty calories. By sticking to green tea and water you can cut hundreds of calories each day. By simple cutting out a couple high-calorie beverages daily, you can lose several pounds.
4. Make fitness a priority and I cannot stress more about it.
Make fitness a priority and schedule it whether in the morning or evening and stick to it Find out which time of the day is the best for you to work out. The best time will be first thing in the morning before going to work or in the evening before you relax with the rest of your family members. Whatever time of day or type of exercise you choose, it is important to be consistent and disciplined. Make it a priority and a habit.
Eat and Drink to Great Shape
Green Tea
Studies show that green tea extract boosts metabolism and may aid in weight loss. This mood-enhancing tea has also been reported to contain anti-cancer properties and help prevent heart disease.. It also has anti oxidant properties. Green tea is one of the main ingredients in most of the weight loss products. Japanese women have been able to control their weight compared to others and I believe their customs of drinking green tea actually contributes to this.
Eat less and burn fat faster by having a bowl of soup as an appetizer or a snack. Soup is a super appetite suppressant because it's made up of a hunger-satisfying combination of liquids and solids. Drinking soup before each meal will make you eat less especially carbohydrates such as rice, noodles etc..
This heart-healthy favourite ranks high on the good carbohydrates list, because it's a good source of cholesterol-fighting, fat-soluble fiber (7 grams per 3/4-cup serving) that keeps you full and provides you with the energy you need to make the most of your workouts. Just add a tablespoon of oatmeal into your favourite hot beverage and it can be a satisfying and filling breakfast and or snack.
Learn to Boost Metabolism
1. Practice morning cold hydrotherapy. First thing in the morning when you wake up, drink 1 full glass of very cold/ chilled water on an empty stomach. Then take your time to go for breakfast or wait for at least 30 minutes before having your breakfast. The cold water will force your body to raise its core temperature, thereby stimulating your metabolism. You can also do the same thing before lunch or dinner.
2. Drinks lots of water and eat 5 small meals a day. Muscles and other tissues are made up of approximately 0f 80-percent water. If you limit your water intake, the body will retain water and make you feel like the "queen or king of bloat." It doesn't take much It is similar when your body is put on a starvation mode. Your body will react by conserving energy by lowering metabolism and body weight will then increase. Therefore, eating 5 to 6 small meals a day is recommended for a long term weight management programme.
3. Exercise in the morning. If you can fit it into your schedule, exercise in the morning. People who exercise consistently in the morning find that exercise at this wee hours helps to regulate their appetite all day long. They don't get as hungry and they start the day with a boost to the metabolism. Breakfast is a must for early birds especially.
4. Perform cardio interval training. Cardio interval training is simply short bursts of high-intensity exercise combined with more moderate intensity within the same workout. People who perform interval training twice a week (in addition to two other days of lower intensity cardio) lose twice as much weight as those who do just a moderate cardio workout. Your body will be working harder and will be forced to burn more calories. This is easily achievable in s spinning/ cycling in groups (RPM) class. During the class, the instructor will combine high and low intensities workout within the 50 minutes class.
Water Miracle
Drinking water is absolutely one of the most important things you can do for your health, for most importantly to control appetite. Water can help you lose weight, speed up your metabolism, nurture your skin, protect your organs and eliminate harmful toxins. Although you do get some water from foods and other fluids, drinking at least eight glasses (8 oz. each) of water every single day is a must. You should also be sure to drink water before, during and after each exercise session so you don't get dehydrated. And for me, getting enough water before each meal can satisfy hunger easily and make you eat slower. Slow eater usually can control their food intake better as the brain has enough time to transmit the "FULL" signal.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Pear Or Apple
From a glance, people will be able to determine whether you are apple or pear shaped. The most precise way to determine your shape is by using a tape measure.
Get the tape measure and measure your waist and your hips, then come up with the ratio. If you are a pear, then it's your thighs, butt and hips that show the extra cushion. The more apple shaped you are the larger your waist size is going to be relative to your hips, and the much greater your health risks are when it comes to chronic inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
The critical difference between the two shapes lies in the type of fat you have and where it's stored. Pear-zone fat is passive and actually protects against heart disease, the smaller your waist and the bigger your hips, the smaller your risk of heart disease. Apple-zone fat, on the other hand, is harmful. Apple shaped women have visceral fat, the very active fat. This type of fat is an actual gland that releases chemicals and hormones right to the liver. If too much starts to get stored in the liver and in excess in the abdomen, then their waist size gets larger, their insulin level goes up and inflammation occurs.
While apple-shaped women need to be very careful and alert about the many health risks associated with their body shape, they are not alone. Pear-shaped women also face serious concerns of their own. Osteoporosis, eating disorders, varicose veins and cellulite are all great health concerns for pears. Although pear-zone fat is actually healthy, once it's there it's extremely hard to get rid of. The good news for apples is their fat comes off much faster and easier.
Whether you are an apple or pear the best solution to taking control of your health is to follow a nutritious diet, exercise and minimize large amounts of stress.
Women need to throw away the scales and use the tape measure to measure their health. The key is to think about long-term health. This means eating healthy foods. These foods will protect you from heart disease, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis and that's what you want."
Protein is the KING
You should be getting about 25 percent of your daily calories from protein but you should make sure to choose lean sources like low-fat yogurt, fat-free milk, fish and poultry to keep calories down. Nuts are also high in protein, but can also be high in calories, so eat them in moderation. A handful a day is recommended.
Protein helps to keep you feeling full and boost your energy -- aiding in your weight loss efforts. Eating additional protein is especially helpful for those over 40 in reducing abdominal fat.
Citrus Fruits to trim waist line
One the best way to whittle down your waist is to replace carbohydrates from sugar and refined grains (like white bread) with carbs from fruits and vegetables. Orange-hued foods were found to be the most effective substitutes.
Since fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, they keep you feeling full longer and researchers believe the high levels of antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene fend off the belly fat. Get a good dose of beta-carotene from carrots, cantaloupe, squash and peaches. You can get your vitamin C from oranges and berries, but remember that fruit juice is not a good substitute for the real thing and you need fibre to fill you up. So go RAW!!
Selenium- Best bet to reduce abdominal obesity
This cancer-fighting mineral also seemed to lower rates of abdominal obesity, reporting that those with lower levels of selenium had larger waistlines.
Several foods contain selenium, such as whole grains, nuts (especially Brazil nuts), poultry, red meat and seafood and it is recommended 55 mcg per day. Foods rich in vitamin E, such as nuts and seeds, will increase the effectiveness of selenium in the body. Your best bet to get enough selenium is to eat a varied, balanced diet or try a supplement containing the mineral.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Chocolates for 100 calories or less
I always try to justify my indulgence of this sinful desserts based on those antioxidants we've heard so much about. While chocolate and wine do contain phenols, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease, these antioxidants can also be abtained from plenty of less-fattening sources, like fruits and vegetables.
I am so excited to include the followings in my blog as my daily if not weekly reminder everytime I feel like 'chocolating'.
Top 10 Chocolate Treats (for 100 calories or less)
1. 4 Hershey's Kisses (100 calories)
2. 1 cup diet hot cocoa and 1 chocolate graham cracker (80 calories)
3. 1 JELL-O fat-free chocolate pudding snack (100 calories)
4. 1 Quaker Chocolate Crunch popcorn cake (60 calories)
5. 1 cup strawberries drizzled with1 Tbsp. fat-free hot fudge (100 calories)
6. 1/2 cup fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt (100 calories)
7. 20 chocolate-covered raisins (80 calories)
8. 1/2 cup General Mills Cocoa Puffs cereal (60 calories)
9. 2 Snackwell's Devil's Food Cookie Cakes (100 calories)
10. 2 bite-size York Peppermint Patties (100 calories)
By eDiets Staff
Extracted from eDiet's site
No Pain No Gain
We go back to the gym after a long holiday or break, or when we decided to start on a new fitness regime, our body usually will give us a signal the following day or days…… PAIN or SORENESS.
The next day, we can't walk, we can't sit, we can’t move or sometimes even turn our heads! We start telling ourselves that these are good signs as the signs show we have worked out really hard.
Although it comes with the greatest intentions, one of the most common mistakes people make is to push themselves too hard the very first time back. Not only can this lead to soreness, but it can also cause injury, delaying your fitness goals further.
Serious injuries aside, muscle soreness after a workout can have two common causes — stored lactic acid in your muscles, or microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. In both of these cases, allowing yourself time to recover is the best solution. But there are a few ways to reduce the soreness:
After an intense workout out, go and have a massage. Go for aromatherapy massage or like me, Thai Massage as this is also an opportunity for the massage therapist to push the lactic acid out of your muscle tissues, preventing soreness.
Work Out To get more of your lactic acid out from your muscle tissue, follow up with a low intensity workout the following day, and be sure to stretch. Many individuals make the mistake of simply not moving when sore, when these movements can actually activate the muscles, and help recovery.
Baking Soda
Basic chemistry: what happens if you put an alkaline solution into an acid solution? It neutralizes itself, depending on the pH levels of both solutions. Lactic acid, as the name implies, is acidic. Baking soda is alkaline. Your skin is the largest organ that has absorption capabilities. So, try a bath with one-half cup baking soda dissolved in the water, and see how you feel afterward. For me, I will usually soak myself in bath salt which is easily available too.
In short, the worst thing you can do is not to move for two weeks at all after that initial workout pain. It is the continuation of this fitness plan that will bring you the results.
Acute injuries that cause intense pain need a different kind of treatment. And there is a simple formula to it, which is best remembered using a convenient acronym — RICE.
Rest: A torn muscle, ligament, tendon or bone needs rest to heal. Leave it alone. Unlike with muscle soreness, it is inadvisable that you keep moving your injury the day after it has happened.
Ice: One of my clients swears by it. After a workout, when she experiences pain, she fills up her bath one-quarter full with water and ice cubes, and relaxes for 10 to 15 minutes in it. Do the same after an acute injury when swelling occurs.
Compression: When an injury occurs, white blood cells and fluids rush to the injured site, causing swelling. This is a mechanism, not only to start the healing process, but also to make the injured site immobile. An elastic bandage can help to prevent or reduce excessive swelling.
There is another form of compression that I would like to mention here. Some of you suffer from arthritis and other forms of pains, and your doctor prescribes swimming. Besides improving joint mobility during water exercises, water acts like compression on your body. Hence, being emerged in water might ease your aches and pains.
Elevation: To help reduce swelling, elevate the injured site so it remains 12 inches above the heart. Use some common sense when doing this, to avoid further pain.
Extracted from an article contributed by: Eunice, DTR, CPT-ACE
Nutrition Specialist