Interesting stuff

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CrossFit ways to sculpting your shoulders

1. Barbell press (7kg), 5 times, 3 sets, increasing weight to 15kg.
2. Barbell press (7kg), front and back, 5 times, 3 sets
3. Farmer's walk, 16kg kettlebells each side, walking 20 meters. ALternate with 8kg kettlebells press, walking for another 20 metres and change to the other hand. Repeat 5 sets. REMEMBER to do a deadlift when lifting 16kg kettlebells for farmer's walk.
4. Perform a row, with body in a deadlift position, arms at the side lifting a 8kg kettlebell, locking the back and lifting the kettlebells till the max with elbows pointing upwards. Repeat on the other hand, 10 reps, 5 sets.
5. Perform a dumbell(10lbs)/ kettlebell(8kg) snatch using legs to push the dumbell/ kettlebell up, 5 reps, 3 sets each hand.

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